
Monday 25 March 2013

Grubtown Tales

Title: (Grubtown Tales) - The name of the series
        The year that it rained cows

Author: Philip Ardagh

Illustrations:Jim Paillot

Setting: Grubtown

Characters: Grabby Hanson, Limbo Gouloush, Mango Claptrap, Jilly Cheetah, Dr Fuad, Marley Gripe, Flabby Gomez, Minty Gibb and the Fox Family.

Problem: Cows kept falling from the sky.
Solution: Constable Gelatin got the FOX family to come into the police station. They used a typewriter to write what they do on Sundays. As Constable Gelatin had all their stories in he, gave them to the Mayor Flabby Gomez. As Flabby Gomez was reading the stories he came over Bunty’s story. (A member of the FOX family.) Flabby Gomez went with his story and it was TRUE.

Opinion: “This book is a really good story. It is a mysterious story that I like. If you read this book It will make you read more, which is a good thing. If you're an eager person that wants to read this The year that it rained cows, then it will probably take a hour or less to read this book. It’s a fantastic book.”

Who do you think this book would be most suitable for?
Anyone that likes mysterious stories!                             

Here's a interesting LINK to other mysterious stories: - Suitable for people nine and above.

E4E- Extra for experts!

Little bit more about the author.

Philip Ardagh is a well known English children's author. He has written more than 70 books about adults fiction and children’s non-fiction. He’s primarily known for Eddie Dickens series of books. Just before the bologna children’s book fair in 2008. He signed a deal with his publisher Faber and Faber. 

He wrote three Grubtown tales. Also he writes novels as well.


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